Hi friends
Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my posts.
After experiencing unexpected debilitating storke,
22 hours of brain surgery, and
being unconscious for nearly 2 months after the surgery,
thankfully I have recovered.
Since the last day of April 2023,
I have been struggling
to rebuild my internal and external strength.
Now I can say like this comfortably
but when I was unconscious in the intensive care unit,
no one expected me to survive.
The above photo was myself in the intensive care unit at Samsung Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Here I am.
I am the evidence of the miraculous journey
that I would like to share here in my blog.
I thought there must be a good reason
even though it was a terrible experience that I don’t want to have ever again.
I realized that I was on the wrong path in my life.
So, I had to be collapsed to stop the path that I was on.
Consciously I thought I was on the right path.
But it was not.
Anyway, every moment now is a blessing for me.
There must be a reason
why this second chance was given to me.
I'm grateful.
So, I decided to share my unusual stories with the people around the world
so that people who read my stories can gain hope and strength
to overcome their obstacles in life and find their true meaning of life.
My daily story of rehabilitation, challenges, daily contemplation
and realizations would be hopefully helpful
for those who have similar health challenges to mine.
Life has many questions, but the answers are unanswered.
We write the answer without being able to solve it,
or search for the answer in the problem that we can't solve.
In order to live a life,
we must first be healthy, but an illness that suddenly comes to me asks me
if I have been living my life as I was supposed to live.
Even in desperate moments, stay hopeful.
Then you can experience a moment of miracle like I did.
God did not want you to die by giving you such a great trial,
but in fact gave you one last chance to realize something important about your life.
When experiencing such an unexpected devastation,
it would be hard to say "thank you".
Instead, you will easily be angry and resentful.
I was the same
but realized later that miracle happens
when you overcome your physical and emotional challenges
and sincerely say "thank you" to your inner-self.
I was able to walk up and down the stairs confidently
on 8th of September 2023 as seen above.
It was only 4 months after I collapsed from a stroke
and 2 months after I was discharged from the nursing hospital.
There was a secret that greatly helped me to recover my condition
in such a short period of time.
Firstly it was because of my guardian " Semyeong Seuseungnim"
He is the founder of Gi medicine and Giun Sugi.
Giun Sugi is a technology of energetic system surgery
that enables and fully restores the neurological, biological, energetic system
destroyed by the stroke and the brain surgery.
Semyeong Seuseungnim gave me Giun Sugi treatments regularly
and knew what progress I would make week by week.
It was incredible.
Of course I didn't belive what he said to me at the beginning
because it was beyond my imagination.
my body was making the progress as he said.
My mood swings were controlable gradually
and my consciousness was getting clearer and sharper.
It was unbelievable.
This is the evidence of the power of Giun Sugi.
On the same day, 8th September 2023,
I was running like better than a normal person.
I am far better than that moment as now is mid feb 2024.
Giun Sugi is a science of completly different level that exists beyond our imagination.
It is something that scientists can't discover even with the most advanced science and technology.
With this technique,
anything can be possible.
I hope my progress can be a hopeful evidence
for those who suffer from incurable conditions.