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  • Sharing My Real Challenging Story: Complete Recovery after Debilitating Stroke & Brain Surgery


It's the first day. Today, music is in my ears. I have to leave this impression. Just like Eun Tak did in the drama Guardian (Goblin). I can forget it. That's why I'm in a hurry to keep a record. It's a song I usually listen to. Familiar to the ears. Thank You. I had turned off the song I had been listening to before the surgery because it was loud and distracting. I haven't turned on the music at all since then. I.. 2024. 3. 7.
Tear Stains I woke up this morning and it seemed like there was something dirty on my pillow. What is this? I thought about it for a while. What happened yesterday? Nothing happened. Ah. I cried yesterday. While sleeping... My stomach hurt last night. I remember being filled with fear. I remember crying covering my face with a blanket and trying to fall asleep. I think it was the tear stains. Why was I cryi.. 2024. 3. 4.
Putting on socks, why was it so difficult? Just now, I put one foot on the chair and put on a sock, standing up. I’m not sure if my left leg is numb or stiff, but I feel uncomfortable. To put on socks, I had to sit down and put them on. My body stumbled, and even if I lowered my head just a little, my center of gravity seemed to shift and I felt like I would fall forward, so I couldn't even try to put the socks on while standing up. It h.. 2024. 3. 3.
It's snowing today. Today, I was receiving Giun Soogi Treatment from Semyeong Seuseungnim, and he asked, “Does your head hurt?” So, I took a moment to check whether my head hurt or not. I had holes drilled in my skull and I didn't know what it felt like to have pain in my skull. I don't think I've ever thought about feeling pain in my skull, other than a headache. So I couldn't give an easy answer. But immediately .. 2024. 2. 28.
(Amazing review) Giun Soogi: connecting between spine and spinal adjuster Another miracle happened. Today is the day when my spine and spinal adjuster were connected. I'm not good at explaining it. I turned my computer back on. I regret not writing it every day. I'm glad I took a video instead. After receiving the Giun Soogi treatment from Semyeong Seuseungnim, I took a shower before going to bed. I felt amazing the whole time I was in the shower. But I was just going.. 2024. 1. 3.
The patient absolutely needs rest. The patient has his/her own path. Even if he/she looks good, he/she is not normal yet. What would happen if you were to ride on a bumpy mountain path in a good wheelchair? Someone pushing it from behind and even the person sitting in the wheelchair will get tired. There will be nothing good in this situation. I remember a conversation between carers at the hospital. I didn't want to shower that .. 2023. 12. 23.
Alice in Wonderland My life these days is like Alice in Wonderland. Semyeong Seuseungnim said to me. “Erase the AI ​​inside you” “Erase the avatar you created.” “Starting tomorrow, your memories will be gradually erased.” I was out of my mind for a while. My body was hurt too. I couldn’t move my arms and legs as I wanted. Frankly, when my feelings were fierce, I sometimes wanted to say to him, “Seuseungnim, please .. 2023. 12. 20.
From the end to the new beginning How long has it been since I collapsed? Could I have imagined it? Even in a dream... When I opened my eyes, there was this mess. As I was out of my mind so far, I guess I was flown away to this day. When I come to my senses, that would have been the new beginning. Today, I packed and tided up my luggage I have been just looking at in my room. During that time, I couldn't even think about sorting.. 2023. 12. 15.
Beginning of the 2nd chapter of my life Several months have passed since I was discharged from the hospital. My experiences at the hospital come to mind little by little. I don't even know how time flies these days. Honestly, I'm just living because I'm alive. What meaning does it have? Until I write this today, I have nothing to say other than “I am very confused, anxious, and out of my mind.” After receiving the Giun Soogi treatment.. 2023. 12. 8.