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Protection Prayer

by Habaram 2024. 2. 6.

Protection Prayer is
much more powerful and effective
than amulet.

​It also gives an important message for yourself
for this year to keep in mind
and realize the deeper meaning of it
as it is like a milestone on your journey.


Someone slipped from one height of stairs and unluckily broke all the bones in his leg
Someone who had a car accident and walked out unscathed.

Someone suddenly collapsed from a heart attack
and luckily, there was a cardiologist nearby, so that he was saved.

Someone collapsed in the hospital, and suddenly there was a fire.
So, he couldn't get treatment in time and died.



Someone went to the hospital with a friend and went for a checkup.
Luckily, the cancer was detected at an early stage and was cured by immediate surgery.

​Somene was fine, but he was a little unwell, so he was re-examined.
He was diagnosed with terminal cancer.


Sure you've heard these words from time to time.

We sometimes
experience these incomprehensible situations.

It's up to you to interpret it, but...

You have to be lucky with this.
You can see how important the luck is.

By the way, at the time of birth, 

each person is born with a certain amount of luck.

It's not going to be easy to change that.


If you want to change your luck,
you need someone who has the ability to change that.

But does such a person really exist?


Do you remember the Korean Drama

Guardian: The Lonely and Great God?

Guardian: The Lonely and Great God - Wikipedia


Do you remember one scene that was very impressed?

For your life,
only your choices are the right answers.

I've given sandwiches to thausands of people.

But those who go forward like you are rare.

Usually people stay in the moment of the miracle
and ask for help again.

Because they knew there's a god,
they act as though they're owed miracles

You changed your life yourself.

(From the dialogue of the drama)



While watching the <Guardian> drama,

I thought maybe
even at this moment
hidden somewhere in this world,
there can be a guardian handing people sandwiches.

It might actually happen.

If you change your luck

You can even save your life even when you have no chance to survive.

The opportunity to change your luck can be
when the guardian is handing over a sandwich to you.


This protection prayer is like that sandwich.


When you use a talisman,

you keep it somewhere or carry it with you,

and expect its benefits.

I don't think that could be a sandwich. ​

Because the sandwich gives a chance to choose to the person who takes it
and the person who takes it can change his/her life by himself/herself.

This Protection Prayer
 is said to have a stronger protective energy than a talisman.

You strengthen the defense wall of your energy body.
It's like putting on a strong piece of energy armor, so to speak.

If you don't wear armor and the bomb of misfortune explodes,
Your life would be in danger.

If you're wearing armor, you might get hurt but
your life will be saved.

In a situation where you can be seriously injured
It could end in minor injuries.

In a situation where you can get minor injuries
maybe you can just let it slip by.

with this Protection Prayer.


No matter what unfortunate things happen
the bomb of misfortune is a bad thing,
but if you think about it the other way around,
it could be a great gift of life that has come to you.

It's not going to be easy to think like this.
but even if you change your mind like that,

You must know

why this bomb of misfortune came to you,

because there must be a reason for that.

Through this
you need to find a way to dismantle it.

You have to be aware of

what kind of opportunity came to you.





in the poem of the Protection Prayer

there is a hint that you can realize the answer.


To realize the meaning of the hint,
if you recite it every day,

at some point in time,
It will hit your heart with deep inspiration.


You'll find out the answers


what needs to be changed,
and what choice you have to make for yourself.

Then, naturally

you'll make fewer bad choices,
and misfortune will also naturally deflected.


In life,
I don't think there's anyone who doesn't have a problem.

Let me briefly explain all the problems of life

with a landmine.


we can't see it, but if we step on it anytime
It's going to explode.
That's why it's so serious.

Invisible unexpected worries (trouble, disease, illness)
unsavory things,
sudden death,
Loss of employment, 


People who have experienced this will say
"Why did this unfortunate thing happen only to me?"
They would have been resentful and angry.


In this case,
If they realize that they have stepped on an invisible mine,
they'll understand why such unfortunate things happened to them.

But in reality,

we don't even know where the mines are.
We're walking through a dangerous minefield every minute.​


You should think about it at this moment.


Am I safe in this minefield?
Am I confident that I can avoid it?

If you're lucky,

you might even avoid landmines,
or even if you step on it, the damage will be less.

But if you're unlucky,

the moment you step on one of those mines,
either you die instantly,
or someone around you will be killed or injured.

We are not sure what kind of luck awaits us.
I don't think it's a matter of chance.

If only there was a way,
I think we need to find the way to solve it.

The Protection Prayer

is a good way to solve this problem.


For the safe and unfathomable year,

It will be the best savings and the best insurance for us. 


The one who writes this Protection Prayer
is similar to that guardian in the drama, and he's also very different at the same time.
He's someone who is not easy to explain.

He educates people about life in Korea.
We call him as Semyeong Seuseungnim


You're probably not familiar with him
because he has been only educating those who come along with the special tie (nidana).
So, it's probably natural that he's not well known.

The opportunity to introduce him more

will come soon hopefully.

When you look at the Protection Prayer,
it just looks like a really impressive poem.
It is quite long as well.

No matter how many prayers there are,
He writes it every year

and the prayers are all different amazingly.

In addition, even if he writes for 100 people,
once in prayer,
he completes them in a few hours.


What's even more shocked is

without even looking at the name of the applicant,
he doesn't even need to know who they are.
He just looks at their lunar D.O.B.

No matter where you live,
he connects with that person's energy field completely,
checking it carefully,

he finds out all the mines and bombs of that person,

which will be the spark of their misfortune.


Then, he builds a defensive wall of impenetrable energy in the prayer
with a hint of what they need to realize to change their life.



It doesn't have any religious overtones
because it's a prayer to your heart (mind, innerself).
So you can do it no matter what religion you belong to.
And the content is surprising and inspiring.



Readers are also surprised.
It's like someone who knows all their secrets.

Unless he is the one who has truly enlightened,
this kind of prayers are not possible.

This Protection Prayer is divided into two main categories.

One is
it's a prayer for a year of safety.

Another one is
it is a prayer of purpose.


When you have special occasions or purpose,

you get a Protection Prayer for that specific purpose
such as
Exams, promotions, job searches, love searches, marriage, health, surgery,
Pregnancy, childbirth, business contracts, start-ups, sales, overseas travel, etc.

​The numbers of applicants for this prayer

are growing by word of mouth.

The important thing is that
those who has received this once and lived for a year

can't live the next year without it.

Some people order 20~30 prayers every year

for their brothers, sisters, children, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, and grandchildren.

If it's not powerful or not working, such a thing will never happen.

Would you like to know who this guardian is?

If so, apply one for yourself
so that
you can experience the sandwich that is given by the guardian.

choose the way ahead of you for yourself


gain the power to change your life on your own

and take the ownership of your life.


He will write your protection prayer in Korean

and it will be translated in English before sending it by post.


For further details, email to guardian7388@gmail.com